Time flies when you're having fun - 15 years Base-Alpha Gallery

With a little help from my friends - Group show with the artists of the gallery and their friends

Part I : Artists of the gallery - 10 Years Base-Alpha Gallery

Teardrops (in my eyes) - Geoffrey De Beer, Michèle Matyn, Nadia Naveau, Tinka Pittoors, Tom Poelmans, Denie Put, Lieven Segers, Roeland Tweelinckx, Katleen Vinck

What you’ve saved during the sales you can spend extra at Base-Alpha - Rachel Agnew, Alexandra Crouwers, Geoffrey De Beer, Lode Geens, Frederik Heyman, Han Hoogerbrugge, Lisa Jeannin & Rolf Schuurmans, Michèle Matyn, Nadia Naveau, Katleen Vinck, Julia Wlodkowski

Take Off - Rachel Agnew, Ondrej Brody, Happy Famous Artists, Han Hoogerbrugge, Nadia Naveau